Do you know your Financial IQ?

Welcome to this week's Rigging The Game Newsletter. Your go-to source for engineering the life and business you want, on your terms, without compromise.

You’ll notice from last week we’ve made some improvements. As we teach, we always reserve the right to change our mindsets when presented with new information. 

One of the new pieces of information is that the socials and YouTube don’t like the term “Rigging The Game.” They throttle content they perceive is nefarious or political. Of course, we are neither of those but we are cut up in the crossfire. 

So, you will still see references to “Rigging The Game” but more sparing as we incrementally rebrand to (UN)Conventional Wealth.

We will also be going deeper in this newsletter on wealth building, navigating risk, business strategy, and locking in financial certainty for the things that matter most in your life.

Now, before we get to the advice, can you do us a favor? 

Can you hit reply and send a simple “hey” back to us? 

Replying is really important because it tells Google (and other email providers that you actually want to get our emails). 

Now, here’s what you can expect from us weekly going forward:

  1. A weekly deep dive from Dan Nicholson on all-things Rigging The Game / (UN)Conventional Wealth. These deep dives come from Dan’s 20-years working in the financial services space with thousands of small business owners.            

  2. Resources to rig your wealth. If there’s a tool that we value and endorse, then we will share that with our subscribers.  Such as the 5% high rate business checking account offered by Meow Financial.

  3. The top articles we’ve published in the last week on Certainty News.  This will give you a good cross section of the top trending topics across business, finance and health.

P.S. We have some cool plans in the works for our premium subscribers.

Deep Dive - Do you know your Financial IQ?

I want to show you how to multiply your wealth. There are 3 ways to do this: Cash Flow Optimization, Asset Accumulation, and Risk Mitigation.

You’ll noticed that I bolded the first letter of each of the 3 ways. That’s because they combine to create a cheesy acronym (because, as a Dad, I’m obligated to come up with cheesy and borderline cringy things). 

That acronym is CAR. 

And, what do we want our CAR to do? Have as much speed velocity as possible. Why velocity and not speed? Because velocity has a direction. And, that direction is toward what I call your Solvable Problem™ (aka, your unique definition of wealth.). 

See, speed can be problematic. You could be going really fast. That’s cool. Hoorah.

But, not when we realize you’ve been going really fast in a circle. 

Or, worse, really faster backwards away from your Solvable Problem™.

It’s really painful when you realize that you’ve spent years of your running your business in a circle and occasionally throwing it in reverse. 

Be kind to yourself. You don’t need to punish yourself. And, if someone thinks that you need to punish yourself it’s time to re-evaluate that relationship.

Now, back to CAR. Let’s break it down.

1.) Cash Flow Optimization: You might be thinking - “geez, thanks Dan. I didn’t know increasing my cash flow was one of the ways to increase wealth. Thanks, Captain Obvious.” Touche. Touche. However, while it may be obvious - there are less than obvious strategies to increase your cash flow with less effort and less risk. Mostly because we are so enamored with more - more revenue, more clients, more stuff, etc - that we unintentionally keep stacking the deck against us. 

Small business owners are notorious for blowing themselves up and having to completely rebuild their business or finances every 3-5 years (and that’s being generous). 

So, yes, increasing cash flow is obvious but the way you get there is not. More on that below.

2.) Asset Accumulation: The reason why we want more cash flow? So we can acquire more assets. Until you’ve funded your Solvable Problem™ those assets should primarily be assets that create a tax benefit and/or additional income. 

The art (and science) of this is as you acquire more assets it must be designed in a way that, at worst, maintains your current level of effort and risk. 

Stop creating new “passive income” streams that are actually new jobs for you that you’re hoping will eventually become “passive.” 

Become acutely aware of asymmetry - there must be significantly more upside than downside. 

3.) Risk Mitigation: Speaking of asymmetry, while the topic of risk for most is the least sexy topic, it quickly becomes the most important once you understand this:

The game is not how much you have today but how much you can hold onto in perpetuity.

If you take yourself out of the game, you’ve lost. 

If you’re constantly starting over, you’re losing the benefits of compounding.

To help you through this process, we have developed a 42 point assessment that evaluates each of these 3 areas using our proprietary scoring system.

So this week, we’re giving you an assignment.  It’s completely free and will take you less than 5 minutes to complete…

Step 1:  Take our wealth multiplication assessment.  

Step 2:  Reply to this email with any feedback or questions you have from taking this assessment.  

That’s it.  From there we’ll take your feedback and fill in the gaps on what is creating more risk and effort 

Resources to help you Rig your Wealth


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